IB in Greek

Σε αυτή την ενότητα, μπορείτε να βρείτε βίντεο που καλύπτουν ολόκληρη την ύλη των IB Maths. Το ξεχωριστό που έχουν, είναι ότι είναι στα Ελληνικά, κρατώντας βέβαια το απαραίτητο terminology. Το σκεπτικό πίσω από αυτά είναι να είναι πιο άμεσα κατανοητά στον Έλληνα μαθητή. 

Analysis and Approaches  SL and HL

Topic 1: Number and Algebra

1.1 Presenting numbers in the IB

1.1 Standard form of a number a*10^k

Topic 2: Functions

2.2 Domain of a function (intro)
2.2 Domain of a function with fractions

2.2 Domain of a radical function

2.5 Composition of functions

2.5 Introduction to inverse functions
2.5 Finding the inverse by hand (linear, roots, powers)

2.5 Completing the squares method

2.5 Finding the inverse of a quadratic function
2.5 Finding the inverse of exponential and logarithmic func,

2.5 Sketching the graph of inverse by just the graph of f
2.5 Properties of inverse functions

2.8 Reciprocal functions y=a/x

2.8 Rational functions

2.8 Hole in a rational function

2.9 Domain of a logarithmic function
2.14 HL Odd and even functions

Topic 3: Geometry and Trigonometry

3.1 Distance between two points in 2 and 3 dimensions

3.1 Midpoint Formula

3.1 Concepts of Volume, Lateral and Surface Areas

3.1 Cuboid: Volume, LA, TA, hidden right triangles

3.1 Cylinder: Volume, LA, TA

3.1 Cone: Volume, LA, TA

3.1 Spheres and hemispheres, Volume, LA, TA

3.1 Right base pyramid and hidden right triangles

3.1 Composite 3D shapes: Volume, LA, TA

3.2 Trigonometric ratios of an angle SOH-CAH-TOA
3.2 Sine rule
3.2 Cosine rule
3.2 Area of a triangle

3.3 Pythagorean theorem
3.3 Converse of Pythagorean theorem
3.3 Angles of elevation and depression
3.3 True Bearings

3.4 Measuring angles: Degrees, Radians and convertion

3.4 Length of an arc

3.4 Area of a sector

3.5 Angles that should be known (0,30,45,60,90)

3.5 Unit circle and trigonometric ratios

3.6 Relationships between trig ratios in different quadrants

3.6 Trigonometric ratios of angles greater than 360

3.6 Trigonometric ratios of negative angles. Coterminal

3.6 Trigonometric ratios of π/2-θ, π/2+θ, 3π/2-θ, 3π/2+θ

3.6 The Pythagorean identity

3.9 HL More pythagorean identities

3.6 Double Angle identities for sine and cosine

3.10 HL Double angle identity for tangent

3.10 HL Compound angle identities

3.8 Solving simple trigonometric equations: sinx=k, cosx=k, tanx=k (without restrictions)

3.8 Solving simple trigonometric equations with restrictions.

3.8 Solving linear trig equations: sin(ax+b)=k, cos(ax+b)=k, tan(ax+b)=k

3.8 Solving trig equations leading to quadratics

3.8 Solving trigonometric equations of the form sinx=cosx

3.8 Solving more complex trigonometric equations

3.9 HL Defining cotangent, secant and cosecant

3.7 Main circular functions: f(x)=sinx, f(x)=cosx, f(x)=tanx

3.7 Sinusoidal functions: amplitude, period,axis of oscillation

3.7 Combinations of sinusoidal functions

3.7 Ferris wheels

3.9 HL Inverse functions: f(x)=arcsinx, f(x)=arccos, f(x)=arctanx

3.12 HL Vectors as directed line segments, parallel vectors, equal vectors, negative vectors, zero vector.

3.12 HL Operations with vectors as directed line segments. Addition, subtraction, Scalar multiplication.

3.12 HL Magnitude of a vector

3.12 HL Position vector, Displacement vector.

3.12 HL Cartesian Representation of vectors in 2D and 3D

3.12 HL Vector operations with components

3.12 HL Unit vectors, Creating unit vectors


Topic 4: Statistics and Probability

4.1 Introduction in Statistics

4.2 Box and whiskers plot

4.2 Rule of 25% in a box and whiskers plot

4.2 Cummulative frequency graphs

4.2 Finding the mean from a box and whiskers plot
4.3 Arithmetic mean in ungrouped data

4.3 Arithmetic mean in grouped data

4.3 Median in ungrouped data

4.3 Median in grouped data

4.3 Calculating IQR by hand

4.3 Calculating IQR by hand through a frequency table

4.5 Key concepts in probability
4.5 Finding universal sets in the most common cases
4.5 Probability of an event

4.6 Venn diagrams (intro)

4.6 Combined events in Venn Diagrams
4.6 Shading regions in Venn Diagrams
4.6 De Morgan's rules - Proof
4.6 Algebra of Combined events

Topic 5: Calculus (Differentiation)

5.12 HL Derivatives from first principles

5.3, 5.6:  Power rule in differentiation
5.6: One step derivatives (sinx, cosx, lnx, a^x)
5.6: Operations with derivatives (addition, subtraction, scalar multiplication)
5.6 Product rule in differentiation
5.6 Quotient rule in differentiation
5.6 Chain rule in differentiation

5.1 Derivative as gradient function


5.5 Introduction to integration (antiderivatives)

5.5 Power rule in integration
5.5 Operations with integrals (addition, subtraction, scalar multiplication)

5.5 Integrals with initial boundary condition

5.10 Integrals of linear composition.

5.11 Introduction in definite integrals
5.13 HL De l' Hospital rules

5.15 HL Integrals of rational functions (numer. > denomin.)
5.15 HL Integrals of rational functions (numer. < denomin.)
5.16 Substitution method in Integration

5.16 Integrals of sine and cosine squared (ONLY WAY)
5.16 HL Integration by parts (part 1)
5.16 HL Integration by parts (part 2)
5.16 HL Integral of lnx (ONLY WAY)
5.16 HL Integrals of products between sines and cosines
5.18 Separable differential equations
5.18 HL Homogenous differential equations
5.18 HL Integrating factor for 1st order linear dif. equations